My Blogs


February 10, 2023

1 mins read

cute kid's halloween pajamas

Well all be darn, it's not a home decor post today! I thought we'd talk about something, perhaps, a little more fun, like say children's halloween pajamas. I know most of you may come here to read about DIY wreaths and wall paints and to laugh about that one time when I was an idiot and thought it would be a great idea to make homemade taffy.  But lately I've had this itch to share other interests of mine here on thee ol' blog, and believe or not I actually have a real interest in the attire my 3 year old wears to bed...especially around holidays. Like I'm kind of obsessed with kid's holiday pjs.

So I hope y'all don't mind if we take a break from decorating talk today, so that I can share this cute round-up of children's Halloween pajamas I've come across this season! Ya know...just incase you're obsessed with them too.

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Let's first start off with boy's pajamas. So many spooktacular options to choose from! I'm really digging the vampire ones, except Little B has recently gone batty. Or maybe that's me? Either way, he's really into bats lately (we've been teaching him about nocturnal creatures) and last weekend I had to buy him this big, ugly bat from Michael's because he would not stop talking about it!

Halloween pajamas for boys

Bat Pajama Set Pumpkin Pajamas | Mummy Pajamas | Tie Skeleton Pajamas | Halloween Bat Pajamas | Glow in the Dark Pjs | Little Boys Halloween Vampire Pajamas

I didn't forget about the girls, either! Sometimes I wish I still had little nieces to clothes shop for (they're all tweens now and I wouldn't attempt in a million years to buy them apparel without their prior approval)  There are so many adorable picks in this bunch, I kind of wish they came in my size!

girl's halloween pajamas

Girl's Pink Mummy Pjs | Halloween Pajama Set | Boo Halloween PJs | Pumpkin and Cat Pajamas | Girl's Black Cat Pajamas |Winking Pumpkin PJs | Kitty Skeleton Halloween Pajamas

Which ones are your favorites?

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