My Blogs


February 4, 2023

3 mins read


I need more craft supplies like I need another hole in the head. I'm sure most of you can relate! 

The good news is that I own enough X-Acto knives to take down a zombie apocalypse...if it ever came to down to that.

Over the years, one jar of glitter has turned into twenty, two bottles of glue have turned into fifty, and three spools of ribbon has turned into....well, quite frankly, I've lost count. 

But you know the saying, the more the merrier, right?

That's why today I thought it would be super fun to chat about some new craft supplies and tools that have hit the market recently! I always love trying out new products and although I have yet to get my hands on a lot of these items, it's still nice to explore and imagine all the creative things you could make with them.

Here's a round-up 6 hot new craft and DIY tools that I'm dying to try out!

Mod Melter

The Mod Melter from the Mod Podge line is by all accounts a new and improved glue gun. Crafters are all gaga for its built in stand and 6 foot electrical cord.  Let me tell you, there's nothing more annoying than a short-corded glue gun that inhibits you from crafting and reaching that box of Girl Scout cookies on the other side of the room. 

6 Hot New Craft and DIY Tools

My Paint Saint

My Paint Saint, is a Kickstarter project, that's just plain genius!

 In summary, MPS makes touch-ups to your walls easy and convenient. No more dragging out messy old paint cans, no more replacing the paint brush, basically, no more making excuses on putting off this simple but annoying task. You can read the whole campaign here

This really is one of those products where you' ll think to yourself "Why didn't I think of this?"

6 Hot New Craft and DIY Tools

Sea Glass Finish 

Bring coastal-inspired colors into your home with the new line of Sea Glass Finish from Krylon.

There's 8 different finishes to choose from.  I think it goes with out saying that I need a little of the Sea Foam color one in my life NOW.

6 Hot New Craft and DIY Tools


DIY Decor Tape

The new DIY Decor Tape from Hazel & Ruby is nothing short of fabulous.

What's so fun about this tape? The size! Imagine washi tape but larger....think 4 to 24 inches wide!

The possibilities of what you can do with this tape is endless.

Here's one of my favorite project ideas.

Have you ever laid eyes on a tool box cuter than this? No, no you haven't!

You can check out more super adorable Hazel & Ruby tape ideas here.

Piqued your interest? You can find this tape at Jo-Anns

*jumping and clicking heels together*

decor tape toolbox

Color Burst

When it came to divvying up genes, my brothers got the artistic ones.  The watercolor wannabe in me is super intrigued by these Color Bursts from Ken Oliver Crafts. Apparently, all you need to do is spritz and sprinkle (coincidentally that's also the title of the new potty training book I've been working on).

You can check out a short video on this product here

6 Hot New Craft and DIY Tools


Homeright Spray Shelter

This next product is an example of where one goes to live once they've spent all their life's earnings at Hobby Lobby. Just kidding, it's the Homeright Spray Shelter

This is perfect for those of us who are spray paint addicts and are looking for mess-free ways to paint with out creating graffiti all over our garage floors and cars (not that I would know anything about that).

Melissa from a Prudent Life shared a very informative review of this product here.

6 Hot New Craft and DIY Tools

Did I miss anything? Have any of you tried any of these cool new products? 

Which one would you love to try out?

PS. I'd love to hang out and chat with you over on Instagram!

I'm also on this thing called Facebook too.

**This post contains affiliate links, which means if you decide to make a purchase through my link, I will receive a small commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. This in no way affects my opinion on these products. Thanks for supporting my cheap wine and craft habits.

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