My Blogs


February 5, 2023

3 mins read

dining room chandelier

Remember that one time I shared those super easy home sourcing tricks on how to score some of your favorite decor for less? Well, pee-my-pants-excited doesn't even come close to describing how I feel about saving over $400 on my favorite style chandelier!

 Let me back up a minute (or a few decades).'d think sponge painting your bedroom walls hot pink would be the epitome of decor embarrassment, right? Stop judging, it was the 90's. Unfortunately, over the years I've made and lived with other household arrangements that were just as mortifying, like our infamous zip-tied chandelier.

farmhouse dining room ideas

If you follow me over on Instagram  you've heard me mention this thing a time or two (or a thousand).  This light fixture hung in our dining room and to say it was a major annoyance to me is the understatement of the year. I tried to find proof of said annoyance but I was always really strategic in cropping it out of pics whenever I took a close up but even from a distance (like in the pic above) you could always tell there is something awkward going on with the chain links.

fixer upper style dining room

Long story short, when we first moved into this house the chandelier was hanging crooked and my hubby decided to use a zip tie for a quick fix. That quick fix turned into two years and to make matters worse, this wasn't a black zip tie that blended in... no, no, we decided we wanted to make it REALLY obvious that we keep things classy around here and went with an eye-catching hunter green zip tie.

If anyone ever had the desire to zoom in on my pics, there it would be!

tobacco baskets for wall decor

Aside from the zip tie, this builder grade chandelier wasn't my cup of tea anyways so a few months ago I finally decided enough was enough and went on the hunt for a new one. I immediately fell in love with this chandelier from Pottery Barn, but I like a real good bargain AND this is where the Pinterest's Visual Magnifying Tool really came in handy (Learn more on how to use this nifty Pinterest tool here).

After a short search, I stumbled upon a very similar chandelier being sold at Lowe's and you want to know the best part? It was only $99! I also happen to have a 10% off coupon for Lowe's at the time, so we ended up scoring the light fixture for even less.

inexpensive light fixtures

$99 versus $499: The Look for Less!
Sources left to right: Lowe's Allen & Roth Chandelier and the Pottery Barn Armonk Chandelier

I love how this light creates a focal point in the room without distracting too much from the other main attraction; the botanical prints. I didn't want something that would block or overshadow the gallery wall, so I was really happy they marinated well together.

I was a little concerned that the bronze finish would come across too harsh in this space but I actually think it was just the pop of color our dining room needed.

farmhouse table

Although on a smaller scale, it reminds me a lot of the light fixture used in "The Dutch Door" episode of Season 2 of "Fixer Upper". See Jo Jo, you and me, totally alike.

Dutch Door House Fixer Upper Dining Room

That carpet is out the door next (seriously I want to give a wedgie to whoever though carpet in the dining room was a smart idea!) Also, these pics are an accumulation of photographs I've taken over the past two months, so you're not crazy, the decor is different from pic to pic!

DIY door casings
farmhouse style dining room
farmhouse chandelier

This chandelier makes me so happy every time I walk past our dining room, although, after living with a light held up by a zip tie for years my expectations obviously weren't that high!  I still have a long ways to go before proclaiming this space as finished but slowly it's starting to become my friend. A space I actually look forward to seeing instead of ignoring! 
So what kind of mortifying decor decisions are you living with?

PS. If you like money (as in you like to see lots more of it in your bank account), then don't forget check out my tips on how to source your favorite home decor for less!

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