0 mins read
It should come as no surprise that June's "Crush of the Month" centers around garden sheds....but not just any garden shed; I'm talking dreamy-Ryan Gosling-heart-palpitating type of sheds! I'm not even sure what that means. I just know if there was EVER a day I allowed a shed to be docked in my yard{I know were not talking boats here but I can't type the word "erected" with out giggling like a teenage school boy. I know, geesh, grow up already!} that it will have to look like one of these! Never mind that half of them are like fairy-tale cottages and serve no purpose as a shed.
I mean what would be the point of that, right?
via House to Home
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Source unknown via Small Garden Love
via Concept Interiors
So anyone have a pretty shed I can come live in?
I mean one with out house guests already like possums & squirrels.
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