My Blogs


February 4, 2023

1 mins read


Besides for Christmas I typically don't decorate too much for other holidays but work had half a snow day today {in the words of Flavor Flav "YEAH BOY!!"} & I was itching to do something crafty.

Since running out to the store in the middle of the storm was out of the question I decided to shop my own crafting supplies to see what I could come up with.  

For fear of entering my crafting closet never to be seen again I quickly decided to whip up some Easter I grabbed my materials and got the heck out of there.

I had an old framed piece of wall art that I didn't have intentions of ever using again so I covered the top of it by hot gluing on some leftover blue fabric I had lying around.

I then trimmed that out with some orange, fuzzy, ribbon thing-a-majigee & hot glue

{to hide the scraggly cuts on the fabric}.

pretty scrapbook paper

I gathered up a few pieces of fun and pretty scrapbook paper and then searched on-line for a bunny template. I stumbled upon this cute one over at the 504 Main blog.

I resized it and then used it to trace out my three little bunnies.

three little bunnies

After cutting my bunnies out all that was left to do was to glue them to the front of the frame and then add their little tails.

bunny tail treat cups

Do I need to tell you all again how much I love a cute little tush?

I think this post on my bunny tail treat cups says it all.

This project was so quick and easy.

Oh! And it also should go with out saying that I love FREE projects too.

I should shop my closet more often!


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