My Blogs


February 9, 2023

2 mins read

Dog Silhouette Art

As some of you know we're a doxie house so it should come as no surprise that I am just a tad bit infatuated with their funny little silhouettes.

Case in are just a few of my faves saved over on Etsy.

Doxie Silhouette Art

Chevron Daschund Art:Happy Tail Prints | Chevron Weiner Silhouette:Hirondelle Rustique | Polka Dot Daschund Sticker:Pigeon Paperie | Graphic Small Dog Silhouette:My Tiny Tot Creative | Daschund Silhouette Cross Stitch PDF Pattern:Kattuna

I decided while working on a small gallery wall as part of our living room makeover that I wanted to incorporate some doxie art to represent those little mischievous boogers of ours.

After all, they are a part of our wacky, little family.

That is why it was perfect timing when I stumbled upon Shelley of the Crazy Wonderful's blog dog art tutorial.

I started off with a small wood plaque that I painted using the same dry paint tecnique that I used on my distressed coffee table project.

Small wood plaque

Then I printed off a dog silhouette I created awhile back for some "Howl-a-weenie" invites.

Hardy har har. Oh, I crack myself up. Get it? Howl-a-weeeeenie.


You can also use images found off the net if you don't want to design one yourself.

Now here is the uber nifty trick I learned from Shelley's tutorial. Flip your paper over so that the image is facing down. Taking the side of a piece of chalk rub over the whole backside with it. Turn your paper right side up and position on your wooden plaque.

Using a pencil trace the outline of the silhouette.

Trace the outline of the Silhouette.

The outline of your image should transfer onto your wood.

You may need to pull out your bifocals but you now have an image to outline & fill with a small brush & paint.

Chalk transfer technique

I just think this chalk technique is so cool & simple. The funny thing is something tells me this is a trick we learned in like second grade & I just happen to not pay attention that day.

Dog Silhouette Art

 I can't wait to add this little piece to my gallery collection!

The weiner dogs gave it 4 paws up.

PS. I forgot to mention on Friday while I was rambling on about how great of a month I am predicting June to be that I was also guest posting over at the lovely Classic & Bubbly blog about DIY Fashion Inspiration. Ch-ch-ch-check it out! 

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