So I’ve had this colorful blue and mosaic Ikea mirror sitting in our closest for years. This piece is from my college days; a piece of décor that was granted to me after my roommate and I graduated and went our separate ways. This mirror has followed me from apartment to apartment and now onto our home, and each time I find a new residence it has found a new closest. Well, lo and behold this mirror’s future began this weekend when I decided I was going to try to find a way to incorporate it into our guest bedroom {which pretty much has just a bed and dresser in it right now}. While strolling the aisles of Hobby Lobby I came across a can of metallic spray paint and it was then when it hit me that there is a possible way to refurbish pieces of mosaic glass {or at least I hoped!}
First, I taped off the mirror with some painter’s tape {which by the way, they should totally create curved tape because taping off a round piece on a 95 degree day under the sun is exhausting…..and sweaty!} Then I went to town covering the outer edge of the mirror with the metallic spray paint.
I decided the mirror needed a little bit more pizzazz to it and that pizzazz came in the form of wallflower wall decals I found at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. These puppies were marked half-price, plus I had a 20% off coupon {a purchase that would make even the frugal hubby proud!} I attached a few of the wallflowers to the mirror with some hot glue.
I ‘m really happy with the way the project turned out! I especially love the idea of making over things that you already have in the home.
The chair and table were both flea market finds a few years ago for under $5. I painted each of them white and reupholstered the ugly fruit cushion on the chair with some blue fabric
Now I’m thinking of adding some mustard yellow into this room to make it pop more! I figured my guest deserve a little more than blue sterile walls.
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