My Blogs


January 29, 2023

1 mins read

Etsy winter themed thank you cards

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about me when they learn about my shop Delightfully Noted is that I'm a trained graphic artist. Nothing, my friends, could be further from the truth. I am actually a self-taught wannabe graphic artist and quite honestly if a REAL graphic artist ever observed how I go about creating my designs they'd probably laugh themselves into a coma. Which I'm not even sure is medically possible but I'm now thinking if life's events called for me to be comatose that's exactly how I would want to go......laughing up a storm.  

Last night I happened to be cleaning up my hard drive and came across a few of my rough drafts that I worked on per customer's requests. The humble beginnings of some of my designs can be rather hysterical. 





Half devil. Half squirrel.  The saddest part about this little guy is that he's apparently confused and storing his nuts in the wrong cheeks. Talk about some junk in the trunk!

Fortunately, for my customers {and my business} my designs go through lots of edits before I present them.  

Speaking of designs, don't forget to mind your p's and thank yous after the holidays!  New winter themed thank you cards are now available in the shop & they are perfect for showing your appreciation for all the goodies and gifts that will be bestowed upon you & your family this holiday season.

winter themed thank you cards

Better than squirrel devil, right?

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