Meet Pearl. She's another rescue I brought home a few months ago.
Other than a few bruises and scratches, she was in fairly good shape.
All she needed was a little TLC.
In case you're wondering, Pearl's the dresser NOT the
diabolical (hubby's words, not mine) deer head. She was a fabulous find a few months ago on Craigslist.
I loved her quaint feet and charming beaded details like this.
The woman was asking forty for her and I bargained her down to thirty;
a negotiation I'm rather proud of. It may be a sign that the my Craigslist curse is over!
What's this curse I speak of?
Typically, my Craigslist encounters go a bit like this:
Me: "Hi, I'm really interested in the Nigerian dwarf goat herd you have listed for $75!
Would you take $70 for them?"
Seller: "Great! Sure, we'll take $70."
Me: "Terrific! When can we come pick them up?"
24 hours later
Me: "Hi! Just in case you missed my last message.
I'm sill interested in the dwarf goats and would love to take them off your hands tonight!"
24 hours later.....still more silence.
I'm not kidding people, it happens EVERY.SINGLE. TIME.
As if that's not baffling enough ( yeah, I see you there scratching your head, thinking"Gee, Jen, this is really baffling!), for every single time I've been blatantly ignored while trying to close a deal on the CL, I just end up bribing my hubby to impersonate a new a buyer and to contact them, and doggone it not only do they promptly respond to his inquiry, he talks them down in price even farther!
Obvi, I'm all "Muahaha....jokes on you, suckers!" BUT seriously, what gives?
Okay, okay I digress. How rude of me, back to Pearl.
I knew right away I wanted Pearl's new home to be in our front entry way.
I also knew that I've been binging on greys and neutrals lately, and that I needed to add some color to her.
Soooooo.....say "hellooooooooo"to the new and improved Pearl.
I know you guys may not believe this but I promise I REALLY did consider painting Pearl a color other than blue.Cross my heart, hope to die. I swear that's the truth
(just like a true AQUAholic, right?)
The color is called Eucalyptus and it's from Martha Stewart's Vintage Decor chalk paint line. So far I've only seen it at Michaels or on Amazon.
This was actually the first time I used chalk paint for a project.
Chalk paint, not to be confused with chalkboard paint, is a favorite among furniture rehabbers/bloggers/wannabe ballers/shot callers.
Did I really think it was all it's cracked up to be?
I plan on posting about my thoughts on it soon.
In the mean time, if anyone else has used it I'd love to know what you think about it?!
Pros? Cons? Yays? Nays?
As every girl knows, accessories can really take things up a notch.
Pearl got some new bling thanks to these pretty vintage-inspired glass knobs I found at Hobby Lobby.
Someone else really liked them too.
We're actually planning on planking some of the walls in here.
If I had it my way, this whole house would be planked. Seriously, I'm obsessed.
I blame Chip and JoJo.
This entry way has a little ways to go, but at least I don't fear the doorbell now!
"Hello, Mr. wanna- sell-me-a new-alarm guy, I see you checking out my drawers".
For crying out loud, I mean the dresser drawers people. Get your mind out of the gutter!
**This post contains affiliate links, which means if you decide to make a purchase through my link, I will receive a small commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. This in no way affects my opinion on these products. Thanks for supporting this blog (and sometimes my cheap wine habits).
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