My Blogs


February 16, 2023

2 mins read

Wow! Replacing a standard laundry room door with an old, vintage door adds so much character and charm!

Replacing your laundry room door with a beautiful, old vintage door doesn't sound very scary does it? But perhaps you've never heard of the horror story called "Rapid Knocks?" You know the one that starts off with the couple who set out on tackling a project that should only take an hour and then friends and family report they go missing for weeks. The neighbors eventually start to complain about a constant rapid knocking sound coming from the couple's home and when police go to investigate they find...........ME!!! Yes, me, banging my head against our stubborn new-to-us-vintage-laundry room door who refuses to to go down (or shall I say go up) without a fight!

Let me rewind to the beginning, I've always had this thing with vintage doors. The more pretty and unexpected they are, the better! And while most viewers are glued to the kitchen reveals on "Fixer Upper", I'm the one ogling the beautiful doors in the background
 (Can you move to the right a bit, Chip?)  For years now, I've dreamed of an old door greeting me on my way to do laundry. Surely that would ease the pain of this never ending task, right?

Then last Fall after what seem like months and months of searching Craig's List and flea markets, I found the one, doggy scratches and all!

Old Front Door

Sadly, the Chicago winter hit shortly after we adopted it so it sat in our garage all this time but then a few months ago I was able to drag it out and start on it's makeover.

Sanding an old front door

 I ended up veering from my original plan but I'll be sharing more details on how I got this weathered wood look in another post someday soon. Let's just say this $20 find has quickly become the bane of our existence!

Laundry room door

The problem is trying to hang old doors in an existing frame can be a pain in the arse! Hinges don't match up, the old door can sometimes be too wide, too narrow. The list of challenges can go on and on. Trust me, I was well aware of all of this but I'm stubborn and once I have my mind set on a house project I refuse to give up. If only I could be this determined to give up ice cream and white chocolate covered pretzels!

I'll spare you all the details now but let's just say we've hit a few hiccups here and there and we're still working out a handful of issues (like the fact that we just realized the door knob doesn't line up with our original strike plate!)but seriously, he's lucky he's so darn handsome because otherwise I would have drop kicked him down the road by now! Even with all of it's challenges though, I'm so excited for my new dreamy, farmhouse style door. It's added so much character to our board and batten coat rack wall and NOW I want to hang out by my laundry room all the time. I look forward to sharing everything we have learned with you guys soon! Stay tuned and be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for sneak peeks of all of our projects and home makeovers.

Sharing here: The Crafted Sparrow | Tatertots & Jello | Nifty Thrifty Things | The Casual Craftlete |Lamberts Lately | The SITS Girls | I Should Be Mopping the Floors

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