1 mins read
Happy Tuesday! Did everyone have a nice Easter?
We lucked out with beautiful weather here in the Chicago area!
It's still hard to believe it's April already.
I just realized it's been two months since I shared an update on the office-turned-playroom makeover, although I have shared peeks of our progress over on Instagram and Facebook.
Last we chatted, I showed you the new wood floors. Yes, the ones that Little B so gracefully face planted on shortly after , resulting in a bloody trip to the ER for a few staples to the head.
You'll be happy to know he survived.
The good news is we now have a new rug to cushion any future falls!
Seriously, I've been all heart eye emoji stalking it since it's arrival last week.
I've always been drawn to black and white stripes rugs but there was never a space at our old house where they would have jived well with my other decor.
I just love how versatile stripe rugs are; modern, playful, and classic all rolled into one.
As if I couldn't love this rug anymore, my second favorite thing about it is that it's an indoor/outdoor rug.
I purchased an outdoor rug a few years ago for out entry way and there's no denying it, I've completely converted to using outdoor rugs inside. They're durable for high-traffic areas or places like playrooms that will see a lot of wear and tear....or perhaps, even blood and they're a breeze to clean (i.e. blood).
I found this rug after a very, very obsessive
thorough month-long search, from an online shop called Outdoor Rugs Only.
They had it fabulously marked down on sale last week and compared to other rugs I was considering, I got a REALLY good deal on it!
In case you're in the market for a new rug, here's some of the other ones I was eyeing.
The STOCKHOLM version from Ikea
Colonial Mills from Rugs USA
Stay tuned for more playroom updates next week!
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